Monday, October 12, 2020

The Details


Whenever I go out into the forest with my camera I am, inevitably,  looking for details:
simple little things that might otherwise be overlooked in the larger context.

Like a yellow flower, one of 3 that are still clinging to life despite the approaching winter.

Or a small green shoot delicately wound around a tree branch.

It's these small lives that come together to create the symphony that is the forest.

What I can't show you is the way it smells, especially when wet. Or the sound of the wind as it rustles through the trees. Those are the parts that you need to imagine.

Those are the things I can't show you.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Forest Wisdom

This morning I took a walk in the forest looking for wisdom.

What caught me was the imperfections.

 They are everywhere.
For every tree that stands tall and straight

There are many more that carry scars, blemishes, imperfections. 
Untold stories.

No matter how twisted by time,  they continue to grow.

Reaching ever upward toward the light.

The forest is full of these perfectly imperfect trees.