Sunday, January 31, 2021


Today I realized that I have fallen into a bit of a rut.


Maybe it's because it's the middle of winter, or maybe it's because of COVID lockdown, but somehow or other I find myself stuck. Call it a funk, call it a rut, maybe even call it the winter blues. 

But essentially it comes down to lack: lack of inspiration, lack of new ideas, a lack of overall interest.


Traveling the same worn pathways: in my thoughts, in my creations, in my daily routine.


So this morning I decided to take the issue head on, and I set myself a goal for February:

create something new every day.

Something small....something surprising. 

Something new.

Find a way to travel new roads. 

Find a way to make new pathways.

So that's my plan. We'll see what happens. 

Join me if you want.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

States of Water

 We are mostly made of water.


And because of this, our state changes with conditions.

If the climate is too cold, we freeze up. 

We become inert.

With warmth we begin to thaw

And eventually flow freely.

It could be argued that this is the most natural state of water. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year




Here are the things I wish for you today and for this coming year:

That you take time to listen to yourself

to those quiet inner voices that propel you forward

on a path that is uniquely your own.

That you look down at your fingerprints

and realize they are your brand

that you are one of kind and without flaws

That you find the power of your own voice

to walk your way

and speak your truth

That you allow yourself to become

the you you wish to see in this world

and know that you are the only one who can.